Islamic Birthday Wishes Messages
Today, I pray to Allah to bless you with all the love and luck in this
world. Janamdin Mubarak!
May Allah shower good luck from up above the heaven and make you the
luckiest in this world. Happy Birthday dear!
Today is a very special day because it’s your birthday. I thank Allah Miya
for blessing me with a *relation name (eg. Friend, lover, brother sister)*
like you! Happy Birthday
Just close your eyes and make a wish and I’ll pray to Allah to make it
come true. Happy Birthday
As you blow your birthday candles tonight, I will silent pray to Allah to
turn all your dreams in to reality. Happy Birthday!
This is your day, make the most of it. May Allah bless you today and every
day! Happy Birthday
I am so thankful to mighty Allah for blessing me with a friend like you!
Happy Birthday to you my dear friend.
This is the best day to thank Allah for sending you into our lives. You
are a blessing. Happy birthday!
May Allah bless you with endless moments of love on this special day of
yours; this is my prayer for you for today and every day. I love you!
Happy Birthday!
Always talk to Allah about what you want in life, because he is always
listening. May all your dreams come true! Happy Birthday
- I pray to Allah to add more days to your life so that we get to spend more time together. You are truly special for me. Happy Birthday!
- Islamic Birthday Wishes

May Allah bless your life,
With love, luck and prosperity!
Happy birthday
May Allah fill your life
with endless happy moments,
countless wonderful surprises,
and infinite success!
Happy Birthday Dear Friend.
Hope on this special day of yours,
Allah shower his blessing on you
Making you the most lucky
and happy person on this planet!
Happy Birthday! Stay Blessed 🙂
As you blow the candles tonight,
I silently make a wish to Allah,
To guide you all your life,
And to care take of you every time!
Happy Birthday Sweet Heart!
Sending your way,
Beautiful and heart felt wishes,
On this special occasion of your birthday!
May Allah always bless you.
Happy Birthday!
I am thankful to Allah,
For blessing me with a friend/lover/sibling like you!
Your birthday is really a special day for me.
Happy Birthday!
With Allah’s generosity and divine grace,
I feel really lucky
That he have someone so sweet
and adorable like you in my life.
Happy Birthday
This is your day,
Go on, be carefree and celebrate to the fullest!!
and I will pray to Allah to bless you with
Lots and lots of such moments to celebrate!
Happy Birthday to you
May Allah bless you in his own special ways and may you have a blessed
life ahead. Happy Birthday dear!
My life is beautiful because I have you in my life. I sincerely thank
Allah Miya for the same. Happy birthday to you my dear!
Love and luck are two important things that one wants in life. Today, I
pray to Allah to bless you with infinite love and luck in your life. Happy
Sending a warm hug and joyful wishes along with this text. May Allah keep
an eye on you always and take care of you while you walk the paths of
life! Happy birthday!
Faith is important. May you continue to shine and work for your future
endeavors! Don’t worry, Allah is always there for you! Happy birthday!
Allah always keeps his eyes on nice and humble people, and you are one of
the nicest and humble people on earth. He is always there for you. Happy
This birthday, I pray to Allah to give you whatever your heart desires
for. Happy birthday to you!
Blow the candles and make a wish, Allah is always listening. Happy
- May Allah show you miracles every day and may you be the luckiest soul on earth. This is what I pray for you on this special day of yours. Happy birthday dear!