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Muharram Wishes 2020

Muharram Wishes 2020 

Muharram Wishes 2020

1. On the auspicious day of Muharram, may Allah bless you with health, wealth, peace and happiness! Wishing you and your family a New year full of peace, happiness, and abundance of all. May Allah bless you throughout the new year.

2. May all the praises and thanks be to Allah to whom belongs all that is in heavens and in the earth. Have a blessed Muharram. Wishing you and your family a new year full of peace and happiness! May Allah bless you throughout the new year! May 1441 be a year full of kindness, healing, happiness and health!

3. May you observe Aze-E-Hussain and participate in mourning congregations, lamentations, matam to commemorate Iman Hussain ibn Ali, the grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) killing at the Battle of Karabal! Have a blessed Muharram

4. May Allah bless you on Muharram the first month of the islamic calendar and one of the four sacred months of the year.

5. A small person with small dreams, have so, much believes in u my Allah. You are for me, I am for you, their is no words, for my love, through which I can explain what I feel for you my Allah.

6. My admiration for the noble sacrifice of Imam Hussain as a martyr abides, because he accepted death and the torture of thirst for himself, his sons and for his whole family but did not submit to unjust authorities

7. The best lesson which we get from the tragedy of Karbala is that Hussain and his followers were the rigid believers of God. They illustrated that numerical superiority does not count when it comes to truth and falsehood.

8. As the Hijri New Year begins, let us pray that it will be a year full of peace, happiness and abundance of new friends. May Allah bless you throughout the new year.

9. I pray for you and your family's happiness and well-being. May you all have an amazing year ahead. Happy New Hijri Year!

10. May Allah shower you with gifts of love, bravery, wisdom, contentment, health, patience and cleanliness. Happy New Year!

11. The best lesson which we get from the tragedy of Karbala is that Hussain and his followers were the rigid believers of God. They illustrated that numerical superiority does not count when it comes to truth and falsehood.

12. In this holy month of Muharram, may Allah give you the strength to replicate the sufferings of Hussein Ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad (PBUH) of the day of Ashura! Muharram Mubarak!

13. Muharram marks the beginning of the Islamic New Year. The Islamic New Year is also known as Hijri New Year and Arabic New Year. Shia Muslims mourn for tenth day in the month of Muharram.

14. They do so in the memory of Hazrat Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Mohammed and his companions. Hazrat Imam was martyred in the Battle of Karbala. Many people call this martyrdom as one of the biggest sacrifices for Islam.

15. Many Muslims attend the special prayer meeting in the mosque. During the ninth, tenth and 11th day of Muharram, Muslims fast from dawn to dusk. This year the day that marks the martyrdom of Imam Hussein is likely to fall on September 10th. The day is also called Ashura.

16. May Allah almighty shower his blessing on the Muslim Ummah and all Islamic countries. 1441 Mubarak.

17. Muharram is one of the four sacred months of the year. Muharram moves from year to year when compared with the Gregorian calendar. Some Muslims fast during these days. The Mourning of Muharram also known as Remembrance of Muharram and Muharram Observances takes place in Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar.

18. You alone we worship, & you alone we ask for help, for each and everything. May your faith in him always bring you peace and prosperity…Have a blessed Muharram!

19. All people are great person. We only have to look on their behavior not on this that who are they or from where they belong, So, this Muharram remove barriers & celebrate Happy Muharram together.

20. Today’S sunset was the last sunset Of this Islamic Year-& i pray that all ur worries set down with this sunset-& new beem Of new year spread happiness in ur life.(Aameen) ‘Happy New Islamic Year’

21. I Know u always with me, i Know u always helped me, i Know u always protect me, i know u always protect me, thanks for all u are doing for me.

22. Let us believe in the messenger Of Allah and follow the light which has been sent down with him. Happy Muharram

23. Celebrating Happy Muharram Means Peace,It Is A Festival Which Teach Us, How To Make A Complete Country, Without Using Any Army ,Riffles,Pistol Etc.

24. We Have To Makes Own Rule Of Our Life, We Never Need To Thought That What Other Are Going To Think, What Other Are Going To Say & We Don’T Have To Think About  What Effect Of Our Decision Going To Be On Them. We Just Have To Did What We Believes

25. In the month of Muharram, Shia Muslims mourn for ten days in memory of Hazrat Imam Hussein, the grandson of Prophet Mohammed and his companions. Imam was martyred in the Battle of Karbala. Several iconic figures have described his martyrdom as one of the biggest sacrifices for Islam.

26. It is the perfect time to send good wishes to your loved ones. Here are some quotes, messages for you to send your friends and relatives on beginning of the year 1441.

27. The painful observance is considered as an expression of their grief on the death of their leader, also considered to be the representative of Allah.

28. Everyone knows dying after death, but you (Hussain) taught us how to live after death.

29. Every day is an Ashura and each territory is Karbala. - Imam Khomeini

30. No tragic event of human history can vie with the end of Hazrat Imam Hussain in point of its heart-rendering pathos, in the field of Karbala.

31. In a distant age and climate, the tragic scene of the death of Hussain will awaken the sympathy of the coldest reader.

32. If Hussain fought to quench his worldly desires, then I do not understand why his sisters, wives and children accompanied him. It stands to reason there that he sacrificed purely for Islam.

33.  There is a universal appeal in this martyrdom. Imam Hussain sacrificed his all, but he refused to submit to a tyrannical government. He never gave any weight to the fact that his material force was far less in comparison with that of the enemy.

34. The power of faith to him is the greatest force which regards all material force as nothing. This sacrifice is a beacon light of guidance for every community and every nation.

35. So Do Not Claim Yourselves To Be Pure
He Is Most Knowing Of Who Fears Him Happy Muharram

36. You saved Islam by giving your life;
The courage and patience you had in your life;
To sacrifice your self was easy in life;
Husein Husein Husein!

37. Let Us Believe In The Messenger Of Allah
And Follow The Light Which Has Been Sent Down With Him.
Have A Blessed Muharram

38. May Your New Year Be Filled With Peace,
Happiness And Joy Happy Muharram

39. The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be Upon him) Said:
The best fasting after the month of Ramadaan is fasting
in the month of Muharram.
Happy Islamic New Year

40. May GOD Creat
This year Full Of Hapiiness Joy Goodnes
Security Of All Muslims Members
Forgive Our Past Sinc…!!!
Remember The Muslims
Who are In Hardships In You Are Prayers…!!

41. The Savior of Islam
The leader of Islam
The hero of Islam
Husein Hussein Hussein

42. You saved Islam by giving your life
The courage and patience you had in your life
To sacrifice your self was easy in life
Husein Hussein Hussein
You gave your family but never complained
You had no water but never complained
Your family was tortured but never complained
Husein Hussein Hussein
Without resting day and night
Fought with Yazid to show us the right
From the darkness life you brought us the light
Husein Hussein Hussein

43. Without resting day and night
Fought with Yazid to show us the right
From the darkness life you brought us the light
Husein Hussein Hussein

44. The first day of the new year also marks the start of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar.

45. The Islamic calendar follows a 30-year cycle, with 19 years of 354 days and 11 leap years of 355 days, so it falls on a different day on the Gregorian calendar every year.

46. May Allah Almighty shower his blessing on the Muslim Ummah and all Islamic countries. Happy new Hijri year. 1441 Mubarak.

47. Wishing you and your family a new year full of peace and happiness! May Allah bless you throughout the new year!

48. Let us also remember the month of Muharram. Let us remember Muharram ul Haram, the month worthy of reverence, and Ashura, and also remember Karbala with sorrow. Let us remember Hussain, the highest of martyrs, the lord of paradise youth. Let us send our greetings and regards to Allah’s Messenger and his family.

49. Hussain (as) and most of the family members were martyred in the 680 AD against Yazeed, a cruel ruler who had taken charge as then Umayyad Caliphate.

50. It is one of the four sacred months of the year which warfare is forbidden. It is the second holiest month after Ramadan. Also, since the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, Muharram moves from year to year when compared with the Gregorian calendar.

51. May All The Praises And Thanks Be To Allah.To Whom Belongs All That Is In Heavens & In The Earth.

52. Muslims around the globe celebrates this day peacefully, while for Shia community this day is a very sad day and it can also be observed as the remembrance of the sacrifice of Hussain for Islam at Karbala.

53. This day can be observed as the death anniversary of the Hussain who was the ruler of the 7th century and was murdered in the fight of the Karbala. On this day millions of Muslim people, grieve all over the globe to commemorate the bravery of Hussain to withstand in front of a sinful torturer known as Yazid.

54. The month of Muharram is upon us. No day like Ashura. No land like Karbala.
“The ghusl of Hussain (as) was his own blood, and his kaffan was the sand of Karbala” ~ Sayeda Zainab (as). The heart awaits the moon of Muharram #YaHussain.

55. This day can be observed in all regions of the world where Muslim communities are living including Afghanistan, India, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, and many other Arab nations.

56. India is country where you can find diversity of religions. People celebrate festival and rituals of each other culture and religion. You can see many Hindus and Muslims participating in joy of tradition and cultural. Muharram is first month and is followed as very sacred months of year in Islamic calendar, Ramadan is second holy month.

57. Muharram falls each year on different dates, it is recorded as per lunar calendar of Islam. This year Muharram will start on Tuesday, 11 September 2018 and will be followed for 29 days ending on 9th October, 2018.

58. Muharram is observed by Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims, although their reasons are different. As per the Noble Prophet it is considered as holier fast made in month of Muharram. There is no compulsion for fasting but it is believed the person fasting in this month will receive great reward from their almighty.

59. The tenth day of Muharram has special importance throughout the month. It is mentioned in Hadith that Musa and his community achieved victory over Egyptian Pharaoh on the tenth day of month Muharram. While breaking fast on this special day Muslims cook sweet rice and share among their family and friends.

60. Shia Muslims restrict themselves from celebration or any such events as the mourn for the death of Imam Hussein and his family. Iman Hussain ali was considered to be third Imam of the Shia community. The grandson of prophet Muhammad was killed on this day by the army of Caliph Yazid about 680 A.D.

61. Shia Muslims cut their bodies covered with mud and there are bonfires are lit on the streets.  Muslims wear black colour cloth to show mourning and visit mosques and shrines. In Iran people hit their chest which symbolizes mourning.

62. Imam Hussain death is highlighted as symbol of struggle against injustice and tyranny. Ashura is day that Moses along with his followers were rescued from Pharaoh by God creating path within the Red Sea.

63. There is some misconception related with Muharram day. It is a day when Adam was created, this day Allah accepted the repentance of Adam. It is falsely believed that whoever baths will never fall ill. Also one the biggest misconception is Musa fasted on 10th Muharram for saving him and also his nation.

64. Muslims around the world celebrate the new year on the first day of this month. This is also called Islamic New Year, Hijri New Year, al-Hijra or Arabic New Year.

65. It is in this month The Prophet Mohhamad and his followers migrated from Mecca to Medina. Islamic Calendar starts from this event, that’s why the month of Muharram is one of the four “Holy Months” in Islam.

66. The Shia Islamic Sect Mourns the tenth day of the Muharram month. This day is called “Ashura”. On the day of Ashura, Shia Muslims mourns the death of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad – Imam Hussain Ali, who was killed by the ruler Yazid in the battle of Karbala (680 Ad)

67. While the Sunni Sect of Islam fast on the 9th, 10th and 11th day of the Muharram to honor the day on which Mosses and his followers were saved by God from the Pharaoh of Egypt.

68. The term”Muharram” means”forbidden”. This season Muharram drops on September 10, 2019. Nowadays, most folks celebrate Muharram by sending fantasies to their families and friends.

69. Once Again 23rd October Is Always Going To Remember As, The Birthday Of A Great Indian Festival Of India “Happy Muharram?

70. May All The Praises And Thanks Be To Allah. To Whom Belongs All That Is In Heavens & In The Earth. Have A Blessed Muharram!”

71. All People Are Great Person. We Only Have To Look On Their Behavior Not On This That Who Are They Or From Where They Belong, So, This Muharram Remove Barriers & Celebrate Happy Muharram  Together.”

72. Celebrating Happy Muharram Means Peace, It Is A Festival Which Teach Us, How To Make A Complete Country,  Without Using Any Army, Riffles, Pistol Etc

73. The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be Upon him) Said:
The best fasting after the month of Ramadaan is fasting
in the month of Muharram.

Happy Islamic New Year

74. This festival is one of the biggest festival world wide that not only brings its people together, but the event also symbolizes the national integrity and unity and let the blessings of Allah be shower on you.

75. Muslims across the world will welcome the Islamic New Year next week, which will mark the beginning of Muharram – the first month of the Islamic lunar calendar

76. The Islamic New Year begins with the sighting of the new moon at sunset. Its arrival signals the beginning of the month of Muharram – one of the four holy months of the Islamic calendar.

77. Islamic years are usually followed by the letter “H”, for Hijrah, or “AH”, for the Latin term Anno Hegirae, meaning “in the year of the Hijrah

78. For many Muslims, the New Year represents a period for self-reflection and historical awareness. Prayers and fasting build up towards the tenth day of Muharram, known as Ashura, when the massacre at Karbala is remembered.

79. Mourning congregations gather to express grief, with Shia Muslim sects commonly practising chest beating, known as the Latyma, and sometimes self-flagellation and the cutting of their foreheads.

80. The New Year also honours the emigration of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, which was known as the Hijrah and gives the first day of the year its name.

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